Lacee just had her two month check up(even though she is 2 and a half months) and she is doing great. She is a little on the small side coming in at 9lbs 7oz which is in the 10th percentile, and 22 1/4in long which is in the 25th percentile. She had to get a lot of shots also and she was pretty upset about that.
Before the shots... After the shots... Lyla was just happy that she didn't have to get shots this time.
We went to the Roy Pool(a public pool with slides and toys) on Friday and Lyla had so much fun in the pool, she didn't like the toys that sprayed water at her though. She acts shy sometimes when people talk to her but she was going up to adults and just sitting next to them and talking to them it was so funny. Lacee slept the whole time which was nice.
Lacee turned 2 months old on Sunday the 12th. She hasn't had her 2 month check up yet so I don't know exactly how much she weighs. She must still be pretty small since she still wears newborn diapers and clothes that are 0-3 month size are too big for her. She is for the most part a happy baby, she still only poops about once a week and she spits up a TON!
I have been trying for a while to get some pictures of Lacee smiling but once she can see the camera the smiles stop so these are the best ones I can get.
Our 4th of July was pretty typical, we watched the fireworks(Lyla was pretty scared of them, she was shaking like a leaf!), ate watermelon(yummy!), used A LOT of bug spray(yuck!), and took some cute pictures. Our new family picture is a little blurry but we plan to take another one soon.