Here is Lyla on her potty that plays music every time she goes. We bought her disney princess underwear and she is very excited about them.

Here is my belly at not quite 30 weeks...I feel so huge and I still have 2 and a half months to go!!

I haven't posted a picture of Jesse for a long time so here is Jesse doing what he does best. I thought I would brag a little about how awesome my husband is. He treats me like a queen. He wakes up at 6am, works out, showers, eats breakfast, makes my breakfast sometimes(its oatmeal in the rice cooker which keeps it warm till I get up). He goes to work at 8, comes home at 5:15 and 90% of the time makes dinner. I hate cooking and he says he enjoys doing it. Saturday mornings he always watches Lyla so I can sleep in longer. He would do anything for me no matter how unreasonable I am being. Not only does he support us financially, he is also a full time student working on getting his bachelors in software development. He ALSO has a financial website called (I don't know how he makes time to do everything that he does). I am so very grateful to have him as my husband. I would be lost without him. I love you honey!